Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Mobster bombed competing deli
Authorities previously believed the Dec. 22, 2001, bombing was an anti-Muslim hate crime. The deli owner, Hamim Syed, is said to be active in Staten Island's Pakistani community.
According to Lt. Dennis Briordi of the NYPD Arson and Explosions Squad, Fisher, 54, set up the bombing to eliminate a rival to his own bagel store. He obtained the bomb and had associates Anthony Maniscalco and Salvatore Palmieri toss it into the rival deli. The store cost $400,000 to rebuild.
Fisher denies any involvement in the crime.
Authorities suspect Fisher of being an associate with the Gambino Crime Family. Palmieri and Maniscalco have already been imprisoned for their roles in the crime.
Italy arrests Litvinenko confidant
Scaramella was arrested as he arrived at the Naples airport from London, where he had undergone treatment for suspected exposure to the same radioactive substance - Polonium-210 - that killed Litvinenko last month.
British and Russian law enforcement agencies are conducting murder investigations into Litvinenko's death.
See also:
Writer links Litvinenko death to Mafiya and U.S. 12-19-2006
Reputed mobsters accuse housewife of con
Three reputed mobsters, charged in federal court with loansharking, have pointed an accusing finger at a Howard Beach, Queens, housewife, according to a story by Stefanie Cohen of the New York Post.
Reputed Bonanno Crime Family members Michael "Mike the Butcher" Virtuoso and Michael Cassese and reputed crime family associate Agostino Accardo insist that Yvonne Rossetti conned them to the tune of a half million dollars in a phony real estate deal back in 2005.
When the reputed wiseguys got wise to the scam, they made some threatening remarks. Those were overheard by Rossetti's husband Vincent, and also some federal investigators via an electronic eavesdropping device worn by Vincent.
Accardo was the first to be approached with the alleged scam. He reportedly brought in Virtuoso. When promised returns failed to materialize, Cassese was allegedly called in to persuade Yvonne Rossetti to make good. Vincent Rossetti reportedly taped Cassese and Virtuoso making threats to his wife.
Federal agents connected the threats to expected payments on a loan, and the loansharking case was the result, according to a story by John Marzulli of the New York Daily News.
The Daily News also reported that Rossetti has been accused of conning relatives and others out of money she said was needed to care for her handicapped teenage daughter. Some have questioned her use of money generated through fundraisers held for her daughter's benefit.
Accardo, Virtuoso and Cassese were indicted last month. Accardo is free on $1 million bail. The other two men are being held without bail as they await trial. Vincent Rossetti faces federal extortion charges in a separate case.
About Me

- Thomas Hunt
- Writer, editor, researcher, web publisher, specializing in organized crime history. (Available to assist with historical/genealogical research, writing, editing. Email at tphunt@gmail.com.)
Editor/publisher of crime history journal, Informer; publisher of American Mafia history website Mafiahistory.us; moderator of online forums; author of Wrongly Executed?; coauthor of Deep Water: Joseph P. Macheca and the Birth of the American Mafia and DiCarlo: Buffalo's First Family of Crime; contributor of U.S. Mafia history to Australian-published Mafia: The Necessary Reference to Organized Crime; writer/co-writer of crime history articles for several publications.
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